PUT api/Prestamos/{id}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
PrestamoName | Description | Type | Additional information |
idPrestamo | integer |
None. |
idPersonal | integer |
None. |
idBeneficiario | integer |
None. |
idPaisOrigen | integer |
None. |
idPaisDestino | integer |
None. |
idPaisRetorno | integer |
None. |
idDivision | integer |
Required |
tipoTransporte | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
observacion | string |
None. |
fechaPrestamo | date |
Data type: DateTime |
fechaDevolucion | date |
Data type: DateTime |
puertoEmbarque | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 150 |
fechaVencimiento | date |
Data type: DateTime |
tipoRecibo | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 150 |
contratoMarco | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
nroPrestamo | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
borrado | date |
Data type: DateTime |
empresaTransporte | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
resumenPrestamo | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 500 |
idPermanencia | integer |
None. |
esEgreso | boolean |
None. |
usuarioRegistro | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 255 |
fechaRegistro | date |
Data type: DateTime |
usuarioModificacion | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 255 |
fechaModificacion | date |
Data type: DateTime |
emailNotificacion1 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
emailNotificacion2 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
emailNotificacion3 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
resumenPrestamoIngles | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1000 |
Beneficiario | Beneficiario |
None. |
DetallePrestamo | Collection of DetallePrestamo |
None. |
Pais | Pais |
None. |
Pais1 | Pais |
None. |
Pais2 | Pais |
None. |
Personal | Personal |
None. |
TDivision | TDivision |
None. |
Renovacion | Collection of Renovacion |
None. |
TPermanencia | TPermanencia |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "idPrestamo": 1, "idPersonal": 1, "idBeneficiario": 1, "idPaisOrigen": 1, "idPaisDestino": 1, "idPaisRetorno": 1, "idDivision": 2, "tipoTransporte": "sample string 3", "observacion": "sample string 4", "fechaPrestamo": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "fechaDevolucion": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "puertoEmbarque": "sample string 5", "fechaVencimiento": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "tipoRecibo": "sample string 6", "contratoMarco": "sample string 7", "nroPrestamo": "sample string 8", "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "empresaTransporte": "sample string 9", "resumenPrestamo": "sample string 10", "idPermanencia": 1, "esEgreso": true, "usuarioRegistro": "sample string 11", "fechaRegistro": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "usuarioModificacion": "sample string 12", "fechaModificacion": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "emailNotificacion1": "sample string 13", "emailNotificacion2": "sample string 14", "emailNotificacion3": "sample string 15", "resumenPrestamoIngles": "sample string 16", "Beneficiario": { "idBeneficiario": 1, "beneficiario1": "sample string 2", "telefono": "sample string 3", "institucion": "sample string 4", "direccion": "sample string 5", "email": "sample string 6", "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00" }, "Pais": { "idPais": 1, "idContinente": 2, "pais1": "sample string 3", "activo": true, "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "Continente": { "idContinente": 1, "continente1": "sample string 2", "activo": true, "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00" } }, "Pais1": { "idPais": 1, "idContinente": 2, "pais1": "sample string 3", "activo": true, "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "Continente": { "idContinente": 1, "continente1": "sample string 2", "activo": true, "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00" } }, "Pais2": { "idPais": 1, "idContinente": 2, "pais1": "sample string 3", "activo": true, "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00", "Continente": { "idContinente": 1, "continente1": "sample string 2", "activo": true, "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8583312+00:00" } }, "Personal": { "idPersonal": 1, "idCargo": 1, "idArea": 1, "idDivision": 1, "nombre": "sample string 2", "apellidoPaterno": "sample string 3", "apellidoMaterno": "sample string 4", "fechaNacimiento": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8895833+00:00", "funcion": "sample string 5", "siglas": "sample string 6", "estudios": "sample string 7", "cursos": "sample string 8", "temasInteres": "sample string 9", "miembroQCAZ": true, "telefonoDomicilio": "sample string 10", "telefonoTrabajo": "sample string 11", "celular": "sample string 12", "email": "sample string 13", "web": "sample string 14", "facebook": "sample string 15", "twitter": "sample string 16", "whatsApp": "sample string 17", "idUsuario": "sample string 18", "activo": true, "borrado": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8895833+00:00", "usuarioRegistro": "sample string 19", "usuarioModificacion": "sample string 20", "fechaRegistro": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8895833+00:00", "fechaModificacion": "2025-01-09T07:19:51.8895833+00:00", "obsPersonal": "sample string 21", "TArea": { "idArea": 1, "tipoArea": "sample string 2", "descripcion": "sample string 3", "activo": true }, "TCargo": { "idCargo": 1, "tipoCargo": "sample string 2", "descripcion": "sample string 3", "activo": true }, "TDivision": { "idDivision": 1, "division": "sample string 2", "descripcion": "sample string 3", "activo": true } }, "TDivision": { "idDivision": 1, "division": "sample string 2", "descripcion": "sample string 3", "activo": true }, "TPermanencia": { "idPermanencia": 1, "tipoPermanencia": "sample string 2", "descripcion": "sample string 3", "activo": true } }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description